Friday, February 21, 2014

Three Types of Assessment

Click on the links provided to view a list of possible assessments you can use for each type. It's important to remember that specific assessment activities can be used for any type of assessment. The most important thing is to ensure that the assessments you use are getting you the information you need.
  • Diagnostic – Use this type of assessment to determine what you students can do before you start teaching them. This is assessment for learning, which means it helps you understand where your starting point is before you implement learning experiences. 
  • Formative – Use this ongoing assessment to monitor the progress of your students as you implement learning experiences. This is assessment for learning, which means it helps you keep your finger on the pulse of your students' progress. Formative assessments can also be used for assessment as learning, which means students get engaged in goal setting and assessing their own progress. 
  • Summative – Use this type of assessment when you have finished providing learning experiences and you need to give your students an opportunity to show you what they learned. This assessment of learning generally happens at the end of a teaching cycle.

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